Sunday, 12 April 2015

Shot 14 finished

Animation and stills

SHOT 20 Version 04 [+ ball prop] - Wai-Han Lau

Added shadows (in the form of ovals) and made a proper ball prop. The ball was originally going to be one block colour, but we realised that without some kind of indicator then the viewer wouldn't notice the ball spinning. Didn't want to be too complicated, so I added some grass/ dirt stains.
SHOT 20 (Version 04)
The ball prop
The ball prop was created hastily in photoshop, but is easily replaceable on my animation because the ball is a symbol. So, if the director decides to alter the design all I have to do is import it into flash and it will replace the ball symbol (similar to referencing in maya but in flash!)

Saturday, 11 April 2015

SHOT 20 Version 02+03 - Wai-Han Lau

After feedback from Hilary, backgrounds were changed so I had to alter my shots. This included shot 20, the first version I did with the previous background is here:

First of all, I re-positioned Bianca to the bench in the new background (drawn by Emma G).
Version 02
Since then, I have received more feedback on this shot so proceeded to alter a few things - such as her back being a bit more upright as she chases the ball :
Version 03

SHOT 20 (Version 03) with the BG
Also, we decided to scrap/ merge shot 21 with shot 20 because it was unnecessary.

Scene01 backgrounds

Shadow colour

Paint can prop updated