Thursday 13 November 2014

Story Beats Version 3

1. Longing
Movie begins with the camera panning across her room as an establishing shot where we can see all sorts of props and things.
Then we see Bianca reading by the window, she looks outside with a wistful look on her face.

2. Determination
Determined to try and change her life of loneliness, Bianca goes outside in hopes of being able to do something about the matter by following the steps on her “How to make friends” book in order make some friends and find a group where she is accepted into.

3. Search
As soon as Bianca’s on the park, she begins to look around her and sees all sorts of things such as friends playing on the park, girls having fun chatting and a couple even. This makes her even more motivate to try and make friends as it can lead to all sorts of scenarios like the one’s she just saw.

4. Helpful
The first step on to how make friends according to Bianca’s book is “Help others”. This is when a lady and her daughter pass in front of Bianca and the little girl drops her teddy bear by accident, Bianca takes the chance and goes to pick up the teddy to try and be helpful like the book says, but doesn’t gets there in time so the lady picks the bear up and gives it back to her daughter, not noticing Bianca at all.

5.      Joining in
The next step on the book now is “Join Activities”. A ball goes against her foot and she tries to pick it up, the ball gets blown away by a gust of wind so Bianca chases after it. The owner of the ball picks it before she does, much like last time and doesn’t seem to noticed Bianca either.

6. Socializing
Next step is now “Talk to people”, so she approaches a group she sees nearby and tries to join in the conversation. The people she tries to approach eventually go away, leaving her behind.  They don’t notice Bianca’s presence as well.

7. Pet owners
 “Take your pet to a park and talk with other pet owners”, since Bianca does not have a pet, she uses one of her stuffed toys as a replacement for a dog and to go around the park dragging it by the least while trying to engage someone in a conversation. But yet again this prove unsuccessful.

8. Entertainment
 “Be an entertaining person to be around” she goes and does some juggling and dances with a cane even, like street performing to entertain people but not one pays attention to her.

9. Looks
“Improve your looks: Make yourself noticeable to people” This time she changes her style completely and comes up with a crazy style, wearing hippie clothes and an afro, while also carrying a boom box. Some people seem to notices the ruckus but they can’t quite get where is it coming from, so once again no one notices Bianca.

10. Painted in red
After all these failed attempts on trying to get noticed and making friends, Bianca has been building up some frustration from it. As she is back to reading  book, she sees this man approaching her and he is painting the benches red, he doesn’t notices Bianca at all so he paints all over her face in the process.

11. Getting noticed
After having her face painted, Bianca stands up in shock. The man notices there was someone sitting on the bench all along an get scared as it was unexpected, the causes him to send his bucket of paint flying which lands on Bianca’s head, painting her all red.

12. Anger
Tired of all her failures earlier and now with this happening, Bianca’s piled up frustration turns into a fit of anger, being fed up with everything she rips her book in half.

Realizing that the book did not help her at all, Bianca now stands sad and hopeless as there’s not much she can do anymore.

14. Final Step
Having the book ripped in half made some of the pages fly and some got stuck to Bianca because of the fresh paint covering her. The man who dropped the bucket on her takes one of the pages that is sticking on her and reads it. This makes him realize what Bianca was trying to achieve and gives the paper back to Bianca. The paper reads “Final step: Be yourself” this gives Bianca a whole new perspective of things and some hope as well. As an act of kindness, the man lends her his handkerchief to help wipe the paint off of her, which she accepts. This marks the beginning of their unlikely friendship.

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