Tuesday 14 October 2014

Colourless Story Outline/ Beats

Version 1
written by Rebecca Warburton

1.)    Separation/ isolation
The movie starts with Bianca on her room sitting next to the window; there are some books or magazines covers where there’s people who have colour. She is watching the people outside, then takes a look at herself who's all white

2.)    Exclusion
She decides to leave her house and go outside to the park. She sits on a bench and observes a few groups of people. She then notices this girl walking in her direction who drops a small item by accident; Bianca picks the item up and tries to give it back to the girl, but is instead ignored.

3.)    Searching for approval
Afterwards she notices a group talking about some item she might have or so, so she can go up to them and show them hers. Group takes interest on her item but only on the item itself, so she is just put aside by them fairly quickly.

4.)    Changing to fit in
She sits on a bench and realises she has sat on wet paint. She notices the colour rub off onto her hand; then she sees the can of paint and brush tucked underneath the bench. So she paints herself.

5.)    Ridicule
Having her colour changed, she now decides to approach others, hoping that they think she belongs to the group.
The group she approaches notices how she has painted herself and that in turn puts them off so they all start avoiding her.
Has she has gradually been building up her frustration, she starts to tear up a bit.
Since people notice she is painted with another colour and is all by herself, they not only avoid her but also start to laugh or even mock her.
This is when Bianca breaks down to tears

6.)    Acceptance
Later on we see Bianca sitting on her own crying , leaning on a tree, almost if isolated from everyone (this can be one of the areas of the park where there’s various trees and flowers). Her crying grabs the attention of one person who approaches her and notices that she is painted with other colour. This person begins to wipe the paint off of her and smiles at the sight of Bianca's colour being white. The rest of the person’s group who was behind, approach Bianca as well and not only do they all seem to like/accept her, but they also want her to join their group, regardless of her colour.

7.)    Two of a kind
 Finally they show Bianca that there's another person of her kind (white) in their group, so not only has she found a group where she is accepted but it is also a group where she belongs to.

The group of people that accept Bianca in could be 3 people (not including the white character) one blue, one red and one green, like the RGB colour model, since those 3 together make the colour white.

Version 2
written by Sara Nunes

1. Determination
Movie begins with the camera panning over posters and magazines with colourful people. While by the window, Bianca watches closely the people on the street and looks back her who is all white, she then decides to go out there and is determined to try and make some friends.

2. Helpful
While she’s sitting on the park looking at other people, she notices that this girl passing by drops an item by accident, Bianca goes to pick it up and give it back to the girl but ends up being ignored. This leaves Bianca confused but she decides to ignore it.

3. Proud
Next she notices a group talking about some item she owns, proud of owning such thing she goes over to the group and shows them the item, the group takes great interest on the item, but just the item alone, so she quickly gets cast aside.

4. Disappointment
Bianca gets disappointed as not only she has failed to get along with the group but they even switched her for such a small item.

5. Hope
After sitting down and realizing there’s a can of paint under the bench, she gets the idea of painting herself with it, in hopes that people will then accept her.

6. Joy
Bianca approaches a group with the same colour she painted herself with, they don’t seem to suspect anything and are actually very accepting, for the first time she is being accepted by people and can’t help but being overjoyed.

7. Anger
Suddenly it starts to rain, which quickly starts washing off the paint on Bianca. The group realizes that she was just a sham and gets rather angry and disgusted with her lie.

8. Frustration
Frustrated with her recent failure, Bianca starts to tear up as she just had her only chance taken away from her.

9. Misery
The people on the area start realizing what just happened and start laughing/mocking her for trying to pass off as someone with colour, all of this just makes Bianca feel more and more miserable until she eventually breaks out in tears and runs away.

10. Sympathy
There is one person on the crowd who feels bad for Bianca and sympathizes with her, however when this person decides to reach out to her it’s already too late as Bianca’s already gone.

11. Isolation
Later on we see Bianca sitting all by herself in a more secluded area of the park, almost as if isolated from everyone else. This is when the person who wanted to reach out for her finds Bianca.

12. Acceptance
The person goes over to her and after a while calls her/his group of people whom she introduces Bianca to. They all seem to like Bianca very much and accept her very well.

13. Belonging
The group then proceeds to introduce Bianca to another member of their group, this person is also white like Bianca, one of her kind.
She now has found a group that accepts her but above all it’s the group she belongs to.

version 3
written by Sara Nunes

1. Determination
Movie begins with the camera panning over posters and magazines with colourful people. While by the window, Bianca watches closely the people on the street and looks back her who is all white, she then decides to go out there and is determined to try and make some friends.

2. Proactive
While she’s sitting on the park looking at other people, goes over a group to try and talk to them so she says hi to the group, the group finds this strange but they still say hi to her and quickly get back to their conversation. Since this didn’t work she tries to approach another group she spots, this one is talking about something she has in common with them (can be an item, book or something of the sort). She shows them the item (or something else) and they all seem to enjoy it very much. However they lose interest on her and focus on the item only, so she gets cast aside quickly. 

3. Change
This is when she is supposed to change her colour, the initial idea is have her change the colour by painting herself. When she goes back to sit on a bench, she notices a can of paint next to her and gives her the idea of changing colours by painting herself.  

4. Trying too hard
After getting her colour changed, Bianca now approaches a group with the same colour she painted herself with, they don’t seem to suspect anything and are actually very accepting since she looks and acts like they do.

5. Disappointment
Suddenly it starts to rain, which quickly starts washing off the paint on Bianca. The group realizes that she was just a sham and gets very annoyed and disappointed with Bianca.

6. Frustration
Frustrated with her recent failure, Bianca starts to tear up as she just had her only chance of fitting in, taken away from her.

7. Misery
The people on the area start realizing what just happened and start laughing/mocking her for trying to pass off as someone with colour, all of this just makes Bianca feel more and more miserable until she eventually breaks out in tears and runs away.

8. Sympathy
There is one person on the crowd who also noticed what just happened but feels bad for Bianca and sympathizes with her, however this person doesn’t gets to do anything since Bianca just runs away.

9. Isolation
Later on we see Bianca sitting all by herself in a more secluded area of the park, almost as if isolated from everyone else. This is when the person who wanted to reach out for her finds Bianca.

10. Acceptance
The person goes over to her and after a while calls her/his group of people whom she introduces Bianca to. They all seem to like Bianca very much and accept her very well.

11. Belonging
The group then proceeds to introduce Bianca to another member of their group, this person is also white like Bianca, one of her kind.
She now has found a group that accepts her but above all it’s the group she belongs to.

Story Change

Updated Story written by Sara Nunes
(tuesday 21 october)

Story Outline:
Establishing shot of Bianca in room showing magazines and posters etc.
She looks out the window. Shot of reflection and people outside.
She leaves through the door and fade to black. The season is Autumn and Bianca is sat on a bench in a park. She looks nervous twiddling her thumbs as she watches people. A lady walks past with a pram. The baby throws it’s rattle out of the pram which lands just in front of Bianca. Bianca reaches to pick it up but hesitates too much, and the woman walks on. The season changes to Winter and Bianca is sat on the bench. The audience hears a kick sound, then a football hits Bianca’s feet. Bianca goes to pick up the ball but the wind blows it out of comfortable reach from her. The teenage boy who kicked the ball picks it up. The seasons now turns to Spring and Bianca is sat on the bench. A man in overalls paints the bench while she is still sat on it as if she is invisible. He begins to paint her so she jumps up annoyed. She stocks him causing him to throw the paint can form his hands, which lands on her, covering her in paint. Concerned for her well being, a group of different coloured people approach her and help her wipe the paint off.

Version 4
Story Beats:
1.) Determination
Establishing shot of Bianca in room showing magazines and posters etc.
She looks out the window. Shot of reflection and people outside.
She leaves through the door and fade to black.

2.) Nervousness/ Hesitation 
Bianca is sat on a bench in a park.
She looks nervous twiddling her thumbs as she watches people.
A lady walks past with a pram. The baby throws it’s rattle out of the pram which lands just in front of Bianca. Bianca reaches to pick it up but hesitates too much, and the woman walks on.
Bianca is sat on the bench. The audience hears a kick sound, then a football hits Bianca’s feet. Bianca goes to pick up the ball but the wind blows it out of comfortable reach from her. The teenage boy who kicked the ball picks it up. Fade

3.) Changing
Bianca is sat on the bench. A man in overalls paints the bench while she is still sat on it as if she is invisible. He begins to paint her so she jumps up annoyed. She stocks him causing him to throw the paint can form his hands, which lands on her, covering her in paint.

4.) Belonging
A group of different coloured people approach her concerned for her and help her wipe the paint off.

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